Create four lists using the following information about planets. The instructions for each list will introduce the list. You'll need to put paragraph tags around the instructions (like this paragraph). A reminder about the paragraph tag: the only tags that can go inside a paragraph tag are tags the generate content "in the flow of text." So your list can't go inside a paragraph. Any introductory or labeling text needs to be in its own paragraph that ends before the list begins.
list 1 = unordered list with default display
Favorite Planets
list 2 = unordered list with square bullets
Planets With Moons
list 3 = ordered list with default display.
Order of planets from the sun
list 4 = ordered list with uppercase letters
Outline for paper about Shakespeare's Comedies
list 5 = ordered list with numbers, beginning with 4
After completing the first three steps to making a cup of coffee, finish with these steps:
Now, create a nested list for a hypothetical dropdown menu on a website about stuff in the solar system (the indent shows you the dropdown topics for each of the main menu topics). Turn off the bullet display with CSS, since navigation doesn't use it. Also, you'll need to create hyperlinks inside each of the list items so that the menu is clickable. There is nowhere for the link to go (this is all a pretend menu), so use an empty href attribute: <li><a href="">linked text</a></li>
. Also remember that nested lists go inside the parent list item. See lecture notes.